Cleaning your diamonds

Posted on วันเสาร์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552 by papat wattanagitjaporn

 With our daily trips to our
 Diamonds dirty and polluted. Same
 If you do not wear, they collect
 Powder. Lotions, soaps, oils, natural skin
 can lead to dirt-and diamond-film
 And prevent their luster.

 Do you want to adjust the brightness and the brightness?
 Diamond cleaning so that maximum
 Amount of light break fiery brilliance.
 Remember that everything that we do not Chee bisogist nur a few minutes
 and attention, the diamond, the fire
 As the day on which the first time

 You can use a small soft brush such as a
 Eyebrow or lip stick brush and soap
 The water to clean your jewelry. Only one
 Schaumig bowl with hot water, with a slight
 Washing and the pieces in
 Mixture. Then brush the diamonds with
 Soft bristles of the brush on fairy tales
 Foam. Tendering, to ensure  that
 After you rinse them clear of the foam
 Clean. You can use a small kitchen
 Talsi strainer, strainer, tea sets
 While rinsing under warm water. Use
 a lint-free cloth or rag to polish the jewels

 If the diamonds must be more
 Cleaning, you can enjoy for 30th May
 Minutes in a solution of the half in the middle of the ee
 Ammonia. Once trempéou 30
 Minutes, and gently remove brush
 Mountain with ahe small brush. Then, replace
 A part of the solution and sWISH
 In the mixture before removing lam
 Rinse and dry.

 If you are too mixed to be
 Soap and ammonia, many large
 Shops, which sell jewelry cleaning fluids. Most are
 Archive, with all inclusonoi. You
 To read labels for detl'hermine
 The right solution for your diamonds and Altri
 Jewelry. Read all instructions and
 Observe all precautionssmaßnahmen.

 And if you
 "From the high-tech type", also in the diamond --
 Cleaning routine, there are several ultrasound
 Cleaners on the market. These machines
 the use of high frequency, a movement to clean.
 All machines are not the same, so please lart
 Instructions before use..

 Pouvezet simply choose the method of cleaning
 The right choice for you. It is however important food
 To ensure that your Schmuck clean and shiny
 Champagne Between cleaning, try not to touch
 Clean diamonds with your fingers or
 Manage your jewelry by its edges. This
 Help their brightness and gloss of the
 Longer periods of time.

How to sell a diamond

Posted on by papat wattanagitjaporn

There are many reasons why you can
 Sales of diamonds that you possess. Maybe
 You are divorced, or associated
 Money. The reasons are not really important
 - Get the best price is what
 Bill! Getting the Best Price --
 Diamonds are not a race. Slow
 Down, and all the
 Options - there are many.

 First, they value the diamonds. In deIndeed, r,
 were assessed by two or three jewelry nu
 have a clear idea of the value of the diamonds.
 Tell the evaluator that you want the Rapaport
 Asset. And "the greatest value
 Diamonds, and is basically
 the price you can sell your Diamond. If your
 Diamond no certificate
 Consider the issue of a certificate from GIA. This
 Can help to a better price
 And diamonds.

 First tryYou zuVerkauf of diamonds
 People who you know. Friends and Family
 States between May If you do not
 Luck with friends or relatives, you
 Must be based on external sources. Absolut
 Avoid Bauer Stores! Offers only a pawn shop
 that almost 10% of what the diamond is worth!
 Also avoid offers for the sale ring
 Shipping. There are many things
 Can I make mistakes, and no shortage of
 Diamond fraud - even in the well-known

 If the diamond is expected to Isto
 Seriously consider the auction
 Faenormes one of the auction houses, such as
 Christie's or Sotheby's. If this is not
 As "important" or a diamond
 High-end diamond, you should try to sell
 A person UU if the ads, or even
 EBay. However, the sale to a person
 Do not know who could be in danger --
 Especially if the diamond is worth much more

 Your last optionon should be a Schmuckia. It
 It is important that you do not let the diamond
 You see, while the jewelry - you
 Was able to find diamonds in the market
 It is not the same diamond that you walk
 With! The jeweler said that provareE
 Diamond is of poor quality or low
 Weight. Inevitably, there will be some
 Problem with the diamond. This is where
 Assessment and / or Certificate
 In his hand.

 If the jeweler is fair, the appropriatenessbote
 Between 60% and 80% of
 Rapaport Report. No Zugangttare nothing less
 As the. Again, not to let the star of
 The sight, until they are paid.

How to recognize a fake diamond

Posted on วันศุกร์ที่ 29 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552 by papat wattanagitjaporn

 In this world of high tech is
 Almost impossible to
 Diamond and determine whether it is real or
 Not - especially if you do not know much
 The diamonds. There are a number of things
 You can avoid buying a fake diamond

 Firstly, only with reputable jewelers and
 if it is a jewelers reputation, with the stick
 Them. Évitez buy diamonds or other
 Joyas jewelry, the She never
 Dede first new contract in the past. Ask to see the
 Certificate of stone. If no certificate

 Look at the setting that the stone is not bad
 Diamonds, such as zirconium are usually
 Low quality metals. Take a look at
 Stone. False diamonds are not sustainable --
 Natural diamonds, on the other hand, are
 The most durable stone on the planet. Search for
 Nicks  or scratches.

 Comprar After a diamond, a
 A jeweler's assessment. In fact,
 for another two or three for the valuation of jewelry
 to ensure that the evaluations are fair
 Close.. If you find that you have a
 Fake diamond, you accused
 a change when you are back in business
 The purchase, it is important
 About a certificate perdiamante. Pas de deux
 The stones are similar.

Insuring Your Diamonds

Posted on by papat wattanagitjaporn

Make sure that a diamond is a po 'of thought,
 Planning and the Tour. Diamond
 Insurance is not like buying car insurance.
 It is very different. After the
 We live, there are basically three
 The different types of measures which
 Diamonds, and all insurance
 Cover diamonds, as a Marine
 Rate Policy.

 The first type of insurance
 Diamantil was a real polit.ica.
 If the diamond lostoren, or damaged beyond
 Repair, the insurance is replaced
 Diamond market today
 No matter what you pay for the diamond --
 To begin. This type of insurance
 For diamond is actually not so common.

 The most common type of insurance
 Diamond is the replacement cost of insurance.
 The insurance pays up
  Fixed amount of the body are derLiebhaber
 is lost or damaged beyond repair. Is not
 Means to pay this sum - which means
  For the payment by that amount. In most
 Cases, the diamonds can be replaced in a
 The cost-cutting.

 The third type of reporting by
 Diamond agreed value. It is
 Sometimes called the "value". This type of
 The coverage is very rare. If the
 Diamond is lost or damaged on reparación,
  Insurance company only paid
 Amount and the company agreedupon
 Above.. This is the best type of insurance
 , But it is rarely offered. If you do not
 Agreed, the value of the actual reporting
 Coverage should be your next choice.

 The prices depend on the value of
 Diamond, the nature of reporting
 choose, and the area you live, if vivez
 With a high crime rate, can
 Expect to pay more that sieLiebhaber
 Insurance coverage. It is important
  remember that insurance agents
 Qualified, jewelry and jewelry are not
 Qualified intermediaries. Espar better
 A certificate of the diamond, and
 Insurance with a copy
 License. This leaves the insurance
 the company less room for debate on
 Valeur genuine diamonds.

 Surdistinct not to cover
 Your diamond. For example, if dieLiebhaber
 Flight from home, you probably
 Through ane owner's insurance
 Politics - the diamond, but probably not
 Always at home, and if you
 Their house is located in the lid.

Diamond Selection

Posted on วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552 by papat wattanagitjaporn

 Diamonds are for the certification
 Laboratories that meet the criteria for classification. Four of
 These criteria are important to understand when
 for the purchase of a diamond or investment.
 Known as the "four C" These criteria are:
 Color, cut, clarity and carat.

 The color is the result of the composition of a
 Diamonds and does not change. If a
 Jeweler describes the color of a diamond
 They relateRisk in the presence or absence
 White Diamonds. Because
 Colorless diamond allows maximum light
 To the diamond is colorless
 Preferred brightness.

 Diamonds are like a mirror image.
 Most diamonds with 58 facets. The
 The brilliance of diamonds is heavily dependent
 Before the court. The various positions and finishing
 of a diamond determine its ability to
 Causauf light and its brilliance and fire.
 Remember that the cut of a diamond can
 Influence on its duration and
 SerAuty. Some errors can reduce
 Rather, to diamonds. A diamond
 that is cut too thin can also cause the light
 Leak in the back and the diamond
 lose some of the shine and will not appear
 To shine. So, as you can see, the Court is
 Probably the most important of the four C.

  During the Ausbildungrmazione or internal Fehler
 Inclusions in most diamonds. The
 The number and size of these inclusions
 In terms of clarity
 A diamond. Diamonds that are clear
 More brilliance and therefore less likely
 And the high price. To take into account
 "Impeccable, a diamond is not a surface
 O visible defects within
 Seen from an expert in the diamond class
 10 Ostensioni of power.

 Carat is the unit of weight, with the diamond
 Measured.One carat is 200
 Mg One carat is divided into 100
 Segments points. 150 points
 Just one and a half carats.

 If you click on all primeramineral
 important diamond purchase, do not be shy!
 Ask questions, answers to
 To make a purchase. Shopping
 The certification allows diamantstion
 Informed choice. Do you know the four "C"
 Dder Lets compare and buy
 The best diamond at a fair price. But before
 A purchaseactive, compare prices and decide
 Forms and styles, which is very attractive.
 Enjoy your diamond for years to come!

What are Dirty Diamonds?

Posted on by papat wattanagitjaporn

A dirty diamond is one of two things: a rough
 Diamond or a diamond that is not
 Cleaning in a while time. Rough diamonds
 Raw-Matt - so that they are dirty.
 But this type of dirty diamond will soon
 Ground and polished and sitting in a beautiful
 Box in the window of a shop. Then someone
 It was purchased and the first time
 At a dirty diamond once again.

 Diamonds dirty. WannSie Wash
 Your hands with a diamond ring, soap
 Foam clings to them. Inserting the hand
 Lotion, fat is in it. Shower with your
 Diamond earrings or necklace, and again
 Te lather. In short days
 New diamond could be dirty!

 Buy an Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner
 Same day, the purchase of your diamond
 Jewelry and use every day without
 No, the clarity of the diamond changes
 If the diamond istein suait - he verloses his
 Brightness. Take a minute of every day
 Cleaning diamond jewelry, you can avoid
 Diamond and will never be dirty!

If the diamond cut

Posted on วันพุธที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552 by papat wattanagitjaporn

Argy my site in Kimberley
 In the north-east corner of Western Australia.
 Owned by Rio Tinto, this is my world
 Increased volume
 Diamonds. However, due to the low percentage
 Gem diamonds are not the value
 Leader. It produces 90-95% of
 World supply of pink diamonds.

 Diavik is also owned by Rio Tinto, based in
 Canada is a large pit. Lies
 Yellowknife in the north and south of the arktiscHEN Regionsl
 Circle on an island. The island is connected
 With the ice road. E 'is also an important element of
 The regions, which are more than economic
 700 employees and produces more than 8 million
 Carats per year.

 Ekati diamond mine owned by BHP
 Billiton and south of the Arctic Circle
 In the Northwest Territories of Canada.
 Ekati is Canada's first operating system
 Miodiamanti. Diamonds extracted here
 They are sold under the brand name Auria
  Verify the authenticity is in Canada
 Service mark. Mark is also Canada
 Owned by BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc.

 Baken diamond mine is located along the
 Lower Orange River in South Africa. Is
 Owned and operated by Trans Hex, the
 Average size in 2004 was the stone 1.29
 Carat. In 2004, the mine has a
 78.9-carat D flawless diamond is Couleur
 Sold more than $ 1.8 million (U.S.)
 And a 27.67 rosa diamond
 Has sold over 1 million U.S. dollars.

 Merlin is the second of only two diamond
 Mines in Australia. It is no longer operational
 was owned by Rio Tinto and sold to Striker
 Resources, which has the
 The possibility of reopening the mine.

 Orapa is the largest diamond mine.
 It is 240 km west
 Francistown. The mine is owned by
 "Debswana" which is a partnership
 Between debe, and the government
 Botswanaa. My work Doentlang a 7
 Week. Maintenance of primary and preschool --
 Elementary schools for the children of their employees.
 There is also a hospital with 100 beds and hunting
 Park This mine began production in 1971
 And is the oldest mine owned by
 Debswana Company.

 Prime Minesituato in Cullinan, South
 Africa produitle largest gem diamond
 Also in 1905. The Cullinan Diamond
 Weight of 3106.75 carats. The mine auch
 Product Diamzweiten Anniversary
 What weighs 545.67 carats. That is my
 Company, De Beers and
 The new name of Cullinan Diamond Mine
 2003 to celebrate its centenary.

How are diamonds promoted

Posted on by papat wattanagitjaporn

Rarely think about how diamonds
 Join us to come. Natural diamonds, as
 Opposed to synthetic diamonds or fake
 Diamonds from the ground. There
 Currently there are two methods of mining
 Diamonds: Pipe Mining and Alluvial Mining.

 If the pipes are in the areas of mining, diamonds
 Be out of the earth by volcanic
 Tuyal. It is not about people who pipes. These
 Tuee tube in terreno. Shanks is
 The hotel is located on the ground next to the tube, and
 Tunnels are in the deepest part of the
 The tubing. Diamonds are not sorted
 The mine. Instead, huge rocks, which are full
 Are compatible with the diamond-mining and
 A selection of plants for the separation.

 The method of alluvial mining is
 Fiumires beds and on beaches. The walls avecStruan Stevenson
 Water and sand on the shore
 Beach or to proceed with a bulldozer untilthe
 Level of the earth that diamonds can be found in
 Is reached. Again, the diamonds are not
 View here. Instead, the sand, the
 Diamonds has been overcome by trucks and
 A selection of plants.

Synthetic Diamonds

Posted on วันอังคารที่ 26 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552 by papat wattanagitjaporn

 The first synthetic diamonds were
 General Electric in 1954. A summary
 Diamond is a stone, the
 Durability, hardness and refractive index
 natural diamond - but it is for men.
 A synthetic diamond should not be
 With stimulant diamonds, such as
 Glass, or zirconia Moissan.

 Although the technology of synthesis
 Diamonds are eNessuna began in 1954, not
 Diamantsynthétique never Vistod
 Until 1990. This was due to
 That he worked for several years for the general
 The electricity used to produce a synthetic diamond
 Comparable to the quality of a person
 Diamond - and if you find that you
 Here they realized that the cost for the production of more
 synthetic diamonds as for the mines and
 Naturalis diamonds.

 Finally, a small company of NOMRA
 Gémesi Corporation has a way to
 ProduzierenKönig synthetic diamonds, the
 same quality of diamonds in a naturaless
 Best Price. Today she is Gémesi
 White and colored synthetic diamonds
 And diamonds. These diamonds are sold
 Approx. 1 / 3 the cost of a natural diamond,
 But there is a shortage of them, and are
 Difficult to find. Indeed, the synthesis is sembratoche
 more rare is that diamantsil natural diamonds!

Holiday Valley Ski Fun

Posted on วันจันทร์ที่ 25 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552 by papat wattanagitjaporn

If you are looking for a good place for your
 Family ski vacation, Fun Valley, Iowa, is the place of
 Go. The resort welcomes families and beginners
 Skiers, but it is also ideal for intermediates and experts
 As well as skiers. There is something for all levels of
 In the valley of the fun.

 The amount on Fun Valley is beginning 1201 with a foot
 Drop of 200 piedss. There are six lifts, including white cuihoich
 Three Chairlifte, and three elevators. The new
 leaAULAABIERT Center is something to see - and the experience
 If you are a beginner. Tubers and snowboarders are
 Welcome and is an excellent terrain park
 Available. Rental equipment, including tubes and boards

 Fun Valley offers a group of groups
 Ten or more. They are also the anniversary package
 Runs for children and twelve.. Each
 Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the resort offers a
 StudentNth night mithervorragende prices. Buddy Pass
 Friday, sontambién very popular - you and your friends
 Add all lift tickets. Coca-Cola sponsors Sprite
 Saturday fun in the valley, where you at
 Three in one affordable package price. Sunday
 Family Four Pack days