As your wholesale price Jewels

Posted on วันพุธที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552 by papat wattanagitjaporn

The price is a question that many people in jewelry
 Companies often worry. However, there is a
 Method can easily be used if
 bulk purchase of jewelry or create your own
 Jewelry. The price is very important. If you do not want
 Charge too much, because it is not for sale
 Something. On the other hand,
 Make sure you charge enough to make a profit.

 If your Achetez Joyería at all 'wholesale
 mark of 15% a30% is usual, and people pay
 These prices. In the great scheme of things
 30% marks, and the "normal" prices.
 When you need to move goods for sale;
 and use the 15% increase in price and price..

 If you own jewelry, including the determination of total
 Costs, including costs of supplies
 Transport, storage and EMBALAGE and then apply a
 15% marks. With 15% marks,jewelry
 Prezzis I will be at wholesale prices. If you sell
 jewelry for the public to you, as opposed
 Retail sales, to apply the sale price, which
 in this case about 45% above their costs.

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