How to take care of your diamond

Posted on วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552 by papat wattanagitjaporn

Care for a diamond is
 Occasional cleaning.. Diamonds are forever
 but can be damaged if it is not
 Care. To find out, to ensure the
 Diamonds, ensure that
 Diamond is forever.

 First of all your diamond jewelry
 A jeweler once a year. Ask him to examine
 Teeth and the braces, which have their own
 Diamond in force. Chiederelui to make
 The RIP-arazioni necessary. This will prevent your
 Autumn diamantesm handle its formation and
 He never lost.

 Diamond jewelry is not worn or
 Diamonds, loose should
 Fabric-lined box or in a jewelry
 What can be separated
 Jewelry. Each piece has its own
 Compartment. This is to ensure the diamonds
 Will be scratched, and also to receive
 From the ground up with diamond jewelry èAltrii

 Remove yourJewelry, if Diamond
 Physical work. Diamonds can chipsped
 It scratches easily. It also avoids
 Your diamond to come into contact with
 Bleach or other household cleaners - that
 can damage or change the color of the
 Configuration and assembly, but also in May
 Irreversibly change the color of the

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